Why Does Instagram Hate Me?

Trisha Peña
6 min readSep 29, 2021

All right, I’m warning you right now. This is a rant.

Why does Instagram hate me?

That is what I want to know. When I joined Instagram for my artwork, I had an account called TrishaPenaArt. That’s the name I wanted because I use that with everything else. My website is TrishaPenaArt.com, my Facebook page is TrishaPenaArt, Twitter is TrishaPenaArt. I’m using this everywhere, Pinterest TrishaPenaArt, everywhere, even LinkedIn. I have a LinkedIn account in case you didn’t know that, TrishaPenaArt.

I had this account for a couple of years and I was posting usually daily if not more than once a day, but at least daily. Mostly I was posting photos of my paintings. Sometimes I would do a little video like “this is how I’m making this painting” or something similar, but everything had to do with my art. I had told myself it would not be anything personal; I’m not going to do anything political; I am just wanting to publicize my art because it was an open account and I want people to find my art. How hard is that?

Everything was going along fine; I had about a thousand subscribers give or take, which I thought was pretty good, and everything was fine. Then back in February 2021, I found that I couldn’t log into my account anymore. I received a message saying that I had done something against their “community standards”. I don’t…



Trisha Peña

Abstract Artist, Tattoo Aficionado, Introvert, Tech Geek, Naked Doggie Lover, Law of Attraction Believer.